परिहार्य = AVOIDABLEउदाहरण : धूम्रपान एक परिहार्य आदत है.
Usage : Smoking is an avoidable habit.
Usage : Smoking is an avoidable habit.
(Adjective) +13
परिहार्य = ESCAPABLEUsage : efforts may be made to identify the items of escapable cost.
(Adjective) +1
परिहार्य = DISPENSABLEउदाहरण : लागत के परिहार्य मदों की पहचान के प्रयास किए जा सकते हैं।
Usage : his work is good but he is dispensable.
Usage : his work is good but he is dispensable.
(Adjective) 0
परिहार्य = EVADABLEUsage : The suspect was deemed evadable by the police due to his ability to constantly change his hiding locations.
(Noun) 0
परिहार्य लागत = EXCAPABLE COSTउदाहरण : गाड़ी का रखरखाव करने की परिहार्य लागत अनुमान से अधिक थी।
Usage : The excapable cost of maintaining the car was higher than expected.
Usage : The excapable cost of maintaining the car was higher than expected.
(Noun) 0
परिहार्य संबंध = AVOIDANCE RELATIONSHIPउदाहरण : उनके बीच परिहार्य संबंध है जहां वे एक-दूसरे से दूर रहने की कोशिश करते हैं।
Usage : They have an avoidance relationship where they try to stay away from each other.
Usage : They have an avoidance relationship where they try to stay away from each other.
(Noun) +2
परिहार्य ऐमीनो अम्ल = DISPENSABLE AMINO-ACIDउदाहरण : कुछ ऐमीनो अम्ल परिहार्य माने जाते हैं, अर्थात शरीर स्वयं उन्हें उत्पादित कर सकता है।
Usage : Some amino acids are considered dispensable, meaning the body can produce them on its own.
Usage : Some amino acids are considered dispensable, meaning the body can produce them on its own.
(Noun) 0