फुफ्फुसीय = PULMONARYउदाहरण : परिफुफ्फुसीय, फुफ्फुसावरणीय, पार्श्वक, फेफड़े की झिल्ली से सम्बन्धित
Usage : Oxygenated blood is brought by pulmonary arteries to the heart for circulation in the body.
Usage : Oxygenated blood is brought by pulmonary arteries to the heart for circulation in the body.
(Adjective) +8
फुफ्फुसीय = PULMONICUsage : Fallot tetralogy is a set of congenital cardiac defects, ventricular septal defect, pulmonic valve stenosis and dextroposition of the aorta
(Adjective) +1
फुफ्फुसीय अश्मरी = PULMONARY CALCULIउदाहरण : रोगी के फेफड़ों के एक्स-रे में फुफ्फुसीय अश्मरी की निदान हुई।
Usage : the patient was diagnosed with pulmonary calculi during the lung x-ray.
Usage : the patient was diagnosed with pulmonary calculi during the lung x-ray.
(Noun) 0
फुफ्फुसीय विद्रधि = PULMONARY ABSCESSउदाहरण : मरीज को लगातार खांसी और छाती में दर्द की अनुभूति के बाद फुफ्फुसीय विद्रधि का निदान लगाया गया।
Usage : The patient was diagnosed with a pulmonary abscess after experiencing persistent cough and chest pain.
Usage : The patient was diagnosed with a pulmonary abscess after experiencing persistent cough and chest pain.
(Noun) 0
फुफ्फुसीय छिद्रार्बुद = RAGPICKERS DISEASEउदाहरण : फुफ्फुसीय छिद्रार्बुद रोग का एक दुर्लभ और गंभीर रूप है।
Usage : Ragpickers disease is a health hazard faced by individuals who scavenge through garbage for a living.
Usage : Ragpickers disease is a health hazard faced by individuals who scavenge through garbage for a living.
(Noun) +7
फुफ्फुसीय छिद्रार्बुद = RAGSORTERS DISEASEUsage : The ragsorters disease, also known as phthisis bulbi, is a rare condition that affects the eyes.
(Noun) +3
फुफ्फुसीय छिद्रार्बुद = ANTHRAX PNEUMONIAUsage : Anthrax pneumonia is a serious respiratory infection caused by inhaling anthrax spores.
(Noun) +1