भिखारी = BEGGARउदाहरण : कोई गन्दगी नहीं थी, न ही भिखारी थे. सारे सपेरे गायब हो गए.
Usage : one should discourage the beggars.
Usage : one should discourage the beggars.
(Noun) +117
भिखारी = PANHANDLERUsage : There was no dirt, nor were there any panhandlers. All the snake charmers vanished.
(Noun) +30
भिखारी = BEADSMANउदाहरण : उसके घर मे चोरी होने से वह व्यक्ति बहुत अंकिंचन हो गया !
Usage : a beadsman was an inmate of an almshouse who was bound to pray for the founders of the house.
Usage : a beadsman was an inmate of an almshouse who was bound to pray for the founders of the house.
(noun) +15
भिखारी = PAUPERUsage : bharat vatwani is awarded ramon magsaysay award for leading the rescue of thousands of mentally ill paupers.
(noun) +8
भिखारी = BEGGAR MY NEIGHBOURUsage : He always tries to beggar my neighbour by borrowing things and never returning them.
(Noun) +2
भिखारी = BEGGARINGUsage : There was no filth, nor any beggaring. All the snake charmers vanished.
(Noun) 0
भिखारी की = ALMSMAN'Sउदाहरण : भिखारी की क़ब्ज़ा खाने से भर गई थी उस मेहरबान पथिक द्वारा।
Usage : The almsman's bowl was filled with food by the generous passerby.
Usage : The almsman's bowl was filled with food by the generous passerby.
(Noun) +2
भिखारी टिक = BEGGAR TICKSउदाहरण : लंबी पैदल यात्रा के दौरान भिखारी टिक मेरे कपड़ों में चिपक गए।
(Noun) 0
भिखारी करना = FUQRAउदाहरण : उसने भीड़ में से आगे निकलने के लिए भिखारी करना तय किया।
Usage : He decided to fuqra his way through the crowd to get to the front.
Usage : He decided to fuqra his way through the crowd to get to the front.
(Verb) 0
भिखारी बनना = MENDICITYउदाहरण : उसने नौकरी खोने के बाद सड़कों पर भिखारी बनना तय किया।
Usage : he decided to mendicity on the streets after losing his job.
Usage : he decided to mendicity on the streets after losing his job.
(Verb) 0
भिखारीरुप से = BEGGAR MY NEIGHBOR STRATEGYउदाहरण : एक भिखारीरुप से रणनीति में, कंपनी अपने प्रतिस्पर्धियों के दामों को कम करके बाजार हिस्सेदारी हासिल करती है।
Usage : In a beggar my neighbor strategy, the company undercuts its competitors to gain market share.
Usage : In a beggar my neighbor strategy, the company undercuts its competitors to gain market share.
(Adverb) 0