रूपवान = HANDSOMEउदाहरण : सत्येन्द्रनाथ की पत्नी दयालु थीं और दोनों बच्चे सुरेन और इंदिरा अपने रूपवान चाचा पर जान छिड़कते थे।
Usage : satyendranath 's wife was kind and the two children, suren and indira, aged six and five respectively, doted on their' ybung and handsome uncle.
Usage : satyendranath 's wife was kind and the two children, suren and indira, aged six and five respectively, doted on their' ybung and handsome uncle.
(Adjective) +34
रूपवाद = FORMALISMउदाहरण : रसवाद बनाम अलंकारवाद, क़थ्यवादबनाम शिल्पवाद, जनवाद बनाम रूपवाद की बहसो के जरिये वही विषय-- सभ्यताकेविकास के साथ-- अपनारूप बदलता हुआ सामने आया है.
Usage : Excessive formalism in Afghanistan has marred the creative spirit in people.
Usage : Excessive formalism in Afghanistan has marred the creative spirit in people.
(Noun) +30
रूपवती = BEAUTIFULउदाहरण : बगीचा सभी खिले हुए फूलों के साथ रूपवती लग रहा था।
Usage : The local inhabitants are generally beautiful, agile, clean, and somewhat resemble Malay people.
Usage : The local inhabitants are generally beautiful, agile, clean, and somewhat resemble Malay people.
(Adjective) +15
रूपवाद = PRECISIANISMUsage : his precisianism on the rules of grammar made him a difficult person to work with.
(Noun) 0