शासकीय = REGNALउदाहरण : शासकीय वर्ष आमतौर पर उदाहरणार्थ प्रस्तुत किये गये थे लेकिन अवतार का वर्ष भी किसी किसी समय में दिया गया था|
Usage : the regnal year was usually cited but the year of the incarnation was also sometimes given.
Usage : the regnal year was usually cited but the year of the incarnation was also sometimes given.
(adjective) +5
शासकीय नीति = OFFICIAL POLICYउदाहरण : कंपनी की शासकीय नीति हर कर्मचारी के लिए समान अवसर प्रदान करना है।
Usage : The company's official policy is to provide equal opportunities for all employees.
Usage : The company's official policy is to provide equal opportunities for all employees.
(Noun) +2
शासकीय कानून = GOVERNING LAWउदाहरण : इस समझौते का शासकीय कानून भारतीय कानून है।
Usage : The governing law of this agreement is indian law.
Usage : The governing law of this agreement is indian law.
(Noun) +1
शासकीय सूचना = HANDOUTउदाहरण : जब उसने अपनी खिलाफत करती शासकीय सूचना देखी तो वह हैरान रह गई।
Usage : she was shocked when she saw a one-page handout condemning her campaign.
Usage : she was shocked when she saw a one-page handout condemning her campaign.
(noun) 0
शासकीय अभिकरण = GOVERNMENT AGENCYउदाहरण : ट्रम्प ने अपना वेतन शासकीय अभिकरण को दान कर दिया है।
Usage : Trump has donated his salary to government agencies.
Usage : Trump has donated his salary to government agencies.
(Noun) 0
शासकीय प्रलेख = GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTउदाहरण : मुझे अपने शोध परियोजना के लिए एक शासकीय प्रलेख की प्रति करनी होगी।
Usage : I need to request a copy of a government document for my research project.
Usage : I need to request a copy of a government document for my research project.
(Noun) 0