श्लेष्मरस = MUCUSS (ALSO MUCIN)उदाहरण : श्लेष्मरस एक जेल जैस वसा है जो पाचन तंत्र को सुरक्षित रखने में मदद करता है।
Usage : The body produces mucus to protect the lining of the respiratory system.
Usage : The body produces mucus to protect the lining of the respiratory system.
(Noun) 0
श्लेष्मरस = MUCIN (MUCOUS)Usage : The mucin in our body helps protect our digestive system.
(Noun) 0
श्लेष्मरस = MUCINUsage : The mucin produced by the body helps in protecting the stomach lining.
(Noun) 0
श्लेष्मरसी = MUCINOUSउदाहरण : श्लेष्मरसी पदार्थ शरीर में पेट की लाइनिंग को सुरक्षित रखने में मदद करता है।
Usage : The mucinous cystadenoma was successfully removed during surgery.
Usage : The mucinous cystadenoma was successfully removed during surgery.
(Adjective) 0
श्लेष्मरसी = MUCINOPUSUsage : The mucinopus substance in the body helps to protect the stomach lining.
(Noun) 0
श्लेष्मरसमयता = MUCINOSISउदाहरण : डॉक्टर ने रोगी को श्लेष्मरसमयता के सिम्पटम के साथ डायग्नोज किया।
Usage : The dermatologist diagnosed the patient with mucinosis, a rare skin condition.
Usage : The dermatologist diagnosed the patient with mucinosis, a rare skin condition.
(Noun) 0
श्लेष्मरसमयता = MUCIUOSISUsage : The doctor diagnosed the patient with muciuosis, causing excessive production of mucus.
(Noun) 0
श्लेष्मरसी पुटी = MUCINOUS CYSTउदाहरण : डॉक्टर ने अल्ट्रासाउंड जांच के दौरान एक श्लेष्मरसी पुटी पाई।
Usage : The doctor found a mucinous cyst during the ultrasound examination.
Usage : The doctor found a mucinous cyst during the ultrasound examination.
(Noun) 0