
सतिप्रथा = RITUAL OF BURNING LADIES ON FUNERAL PYRE OF THEIR DEAD HUSBANDSउदाहरण : पहले हमारे समाज मे सतिप्रथा और बालविवाह जैसी बुराइयाँ भी थी मगर आज वो ख़त्म हो चुकी हैं .
Usage : In the past, our society also had evils like the ritual of burning ladies on the funeral pyre of their dead husbands and child marriage, but now they are eradicated.
Usage : In the past, our society also had evils like the ritual of burning ladies on the funeral pyre of their dead husbands and child marriage, but now they are eradicated.
(Noun) +26
सतिसूक्ष्म संरचना = HYPERFINE STRUCTUREउदाहरण : परमाणु की सतीसूक्ष्म संरचना को तरंगों के द्वारा देखा जा सकता है।
Usage : The hyperfine structure of the atom can be observed using spectroscopic techniques.
Usage : The hyperfine structure of the atom can be observed using spectroscopic techniques.
(Noun) 0