षक्ति = POWERउदाहरण : परमाणु हथियारों की निवारक शक्ति
Usage : the deterrent power of nuclear weapons
Usage : the deterrent power of nuclear weapons
(Noun) +2
षक्ति खपत = POWER CONSUMPTIONउदाहरण : नया उपकरण पुराने के मुकाबले कम षक्ति खपत करता है।
Usage : The new AC model has lower power consumption compared to the older version.
Usage : The new AC model has lower power consumption compared to the older version.
(Noun) +1
षक्ति भंग = POWER FAILUREउदाहरण : षक्ति भंग के कारण पूरे इमारत में अंधेरा हो गया।
Usage : The power failure caused the entire building to go dark.
Usage : The power failure caused the entire building to go dark.
(Noun) +1
षक्ति सूचक = POWER INDICATORउदाहरण : डैशबोर्ड पर शक्ति सूचक रोशनी दिखाती है कि गाड़ी चालू है।
Usage : The power indicator on the device turned red when the battery was low.
Usage : The power indicator on the device turned red when the battery was low.
(Noun) 0
षक्ति घनत्व = POWER DENSITYउदाहरण : सौर पैनलों का षक्ति घनत्व उनकी कुशलता को निर्धारित करता है।
Usage : The power density of the solar panels was enough to meet the energy demands of the entire building.
Usage : The power density of the solar panels was enough to meet the energy demands of the entire building.
(Noun) +1