सततक्रिय मशीन = CONTINUOUS DUTY MACHINEउदाहरण : इस कारखाने में इस मोटर को सततक्रिय मशीन के रूप में चलाने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है।
Usage : The motor in this factory is designed to operate as a continuous duty machine.
Usage : The motor in this factory is designed to operate as a continuous duty machine.
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सततक्रिय सीमांकन = CONTINUOUS DUTY RATINGउदाहरण : इस मोटर का सततक्रिय सीमांकन है, जिससे यह लंबे समय तक नॉन-स्टॉप चल सकता है।
Usage : This motor has a continuous duty rating, allowing it to run non-stop for long periods of time.
Usage : This motor has a continuous duty rating, allowing it to run non-stop for long periods of time.
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सततक्रिय इलेक्ट्रोड = CONTINUOUS ELECTRODEउदाहरण : सततक्रिय इलेक्ट्रोड मॉनिटरिंग सिस्टम सुनिश्चित करता है कि प्रक्रिया के दौरान सटीक पढ़ाई हो।
Usage : The continuous electrode monitoring system ensured accurate readings throughout the experiment.
Usage : The continuous electrode monitoring system ensured accurate readings throughout the experiment.
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