सन्निधि = JUXTAPOSITIONउदाहरण : दो चित्रों का सन्निधि एक प्रभावशाली दृश्य बनाया।
Usage : the novel has an excellent juxtaposition of narrative and descriptivepassages.
Usage : the novel has an excellent juxtaposition of narrative and descriptivepassages.
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सन्निधि = CONTIGUITYUsage : The geographical regions mentioned do not often show their order of contiguity and directions given in respect of them are also sometimes erroneous.
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सन्निधि = JUXTAPSOSITIONUsage : The juxtapsosition of the two paintings created a striking visual effect.
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सन्निधि नियम = LAW OF JUXTAPOSITIONउदाहरण : सन्निधि नियम के अनुसार, विभिन्न तत्वों को एक साथ रखने से दृश्य में रूचि पैदा हो सकती है।
Usage : The law of juxtaposition states that placing contrasting elements side by side can create powerful visual impact.
Usage : The law of juxtaposition states that placing contrasting elements side by side can create powerful visual impact.
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सन्निधि प्रदेश = JUXTAPOSED REGIONउदाहरण : संग्रहालय में प्राचीन वस्तुओं का सन्निधि प्रदेश प्रदर्शित है।
Usage : The museum features a juxtaposed region showcasing ancient artifacts.
Usage : The museum features a juxtaposed region showcasing ancient artifacts.
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