समतापी = WARM BLOODEDउदाहरण : पक्षी समतापी होते हैं, वे अपने शरीर का तापमान स्थिर रखते हैं।
Usage : all fleas in the adult stage live exclusively as parasites of warm blooded anhnals.
Usage : all fleas in the adult stage live exclusively as parasites of warm blooded anhnals.
(Adjective) +6
समतापी = ISOTHERMALUsage : The process is isothermal, meaning the temperature remains constant throughout.
(Adjective) +2
समतापी = WARM-BLOODED(HOMOTHERMAL)Usage : Birds are warm-blooded creatures that regulate their body temperature.
(Noun) +1
समतापी = HOMOIOTHERMIC (=HOMOIOTHERMAL)Usage : Birds are known to be homoiothermic animals.
(Noun) 0
समतापी = HOMOTHERMALUsage : Penguins are homothermal creatures, maintaining constant body temperature.
(Adjective) 0
समतापी = WARM-BLOODED (HOMOTHERMAL)Usage : Penguins are warm-blooded animals, maintaining constant body temperature.
(Noun) 0
समतापी = HOMIOIOTHERMIC (=HOMOIOTHERMAL)Usage : Birds are homoiothermic, maintaining a constant body temperature.
(Noun) 0
समतापीय = ISOTHERMALउदाहरण : प्रक्रिया समतापीय है, यानी तापमान पूरी प्रक्रिया के दौरान स्थिर रहता है।
(Adjective) 0
समतापी तल = ISOTHERMAL SURFACEउदाहरण : झील का समतापी तल दिनभर स्थिर रहा।
Usage : The isothermal surface of the lake remained constant throughout the day.
Usage : The isothermal surface of the lake remained constant throughout the day.
(Noun) 0
समतापी चाल = ISOTHERMAL SPEEDउदाहरण : प्रतिक्रिया की समतापी चाल स्थिर पाई गई थी।
Usage : The isothermal speed of the reaction was found to be constant.
Usage : The isothermal speed of the reaction was found to be constant.
(Noun) 0
समतापी परत = ISOTHERMAL LAYERउदाहरण : वायुमंडल में समतापी परत तापमान संतुलन बनाए रखने में महत्वपूर्ण है।
Usage : The isothermal layer in the atmosphere helps in maintaining a constant temperature.
Usage : The isothermal layer in the atmosphere helps in maintaining a constant temperature.
(Noun) 0
समतापी शमन = ISOTHERMAL QUENCHINGउदाहरण : धातु को समतापी शमन के अधिकारित किया गया था ताकि उसकी कठोरता में सुधार हो सके।
Usage : The metal was subjected to isothermal quenching to improve its hardness.
Usage : The metal was subjected to isothermal quenching to improve its hardness.
(Noun) 0