साबुदाना = SAGOउदाहरण : डॉक्टर साहब ने कुछ साबुदाना टाईप गोलियां दी और हिदायत के साथ रूखसत हुए।
Usage : sago is a powdery starch made from the processed pith found inside the trunks of the sago palm metroxylon sagu. the genus name metroxylon is derived from greek and means heartwood, while the species name sagu is from a local name for the food. sago forms a major staple food for the lowland peoples of new guinea and the moluccas where it is often cooked and eaten as a form of pancake with fish. sago looks like tapioca and both are pearly grains of starch, but tapioca is made from the root of the cassava plant. they are similar but are not identical when used in recipes.
Usage : sago is a powdery starch made from the processed pith found inside the trunks of the sago palm metroxylon sagu. the genus name metroxylon is derived from greek and means heartwood, while the species name sagu is from a local name for the food. sago forms a major staple food for the lowland peoples of new guinea and the moluccas where it is often cooked and eaten as a form of pancake with fish. sago looks like tapioca and both are pearly grains of starch, but tapioca is made from the root of the cassava plant. they are similar but are not identical when used in recipes.
(Verb) +92
साबुदाना = TAPIOCA SAGOउदाहरण : आज साबुदाना की मिठाई बनाते हैं।
Usage : let make tapioca sago sweets today.
Usage : let make tapioca sago sweets today.
(Noun) +1