सालिस = DAYSMANउदाहरण : विवाद को सुलझाने के लिए सालिस को बुलाया गया।
Usage : the daysman was called in to settle the dispute between the workers and the management.
Usage : the daysman was called in to settle the dispute between the workers and the management.
(Noun) +4
सालिडस = SOLIDUSउदाहरण : फॉस्फोरस (P) का लौह पर चार मुख्य प्रभाव है: कठोरता और ताकत, कम सालिडस तापमान, बढ़ी हुई तरलता, और ठंडी कुरकुराहट।
Usage : phosphorus (p) has four major effects on iron: increased hardness and strength, lower solidus temperature, increased fluidity, and cold shortness.
Usage : phosphorus (p) has four major effects on iron: increased hardness and strength, lower solidus temperature, increased fluidity, and cold shortness.
(Noun) +1
सालिशन = SALISHANउदाहरण : समिति का उद्देश्य दो पक्षों के बीच विवादों को सालिशन करना है ताकि एक शांतिपूर्ण समझौता हो सके।
Usage : The committee aims to salishan the disputes between the two parties to reach a peaceful agreement.
Usage : The committee aims to salishan the disputes between the two parties to reach a peaceful agreement.
(Verb) 0
सालिजेनिन = SALIGENINउदाहरण : सालिजेनिन कुछ पौधों में पाए जाने वाले एक संयोजन है जिसमें एंटी-इंफ्लेमेट्री गुण होते हैं।
Usage : Saligenin is a compound found in certain plants with anti-inflammatory properties.
Usage : Saligenin is a compound found in certain plants with anti-inflammatory properties.
(Noun) 0
सालिकेसे परिवार = FAMILY SALICACEAEउदाहरण : सालिकेसे परिवार के पेड़ जैसे कि साल और बर्दी।
Usage : The family Salicaceae includes trees such as willows and poplars.
Usage : The family Salicaceae includes trees such as willows and poplars.
(Adjective) 0