सुचिह्नित = ACCURATELY MARKEDउदाहरण : सम्पत्ति सर्वेक्षण में सीमा रेखाएँ सुचिह्नित थीं।
Usage : The boundary lines were accurately marked on the property survey.
Usage : The boundary lines were accurately marked on the property survey.
(Noun) +1
सुचित करना = INTIMATEउदाहरण : इस फैसले से कई बदलावों का सुचित करना है।
Usage : Only after we became intimate did I suddenly remember the discussion of that evening and it was easy for me to make the crucial decision.
Usage : Only after we became intimate did I suddenly remember the discussion of that evening and it was easy for me to make the crucial decision.
(Verb) +170
सुचिक्कण केश = LEIOTRICHOUSउदाहरण : सुचिक्कण केश वाली महिला के बाल लम्बे और सीधे थे।
Usage : The leiotrichous girl had straight and smooth hair.
Usage : The leiotrichous girl had straight and smooth hair.
(Noun) 0
सुचित्रित रूप से = GRAPHICALLYउदाहरण : सुचित्रित रूप से एक प्रतिवर्त की रिकॉर्डिंग के लिए एक यंत्र.
Usage : The data was represented graphically to highlight trends.
Usage : The data was represented graphically to highlight trends.
(Adverb) +3