सूर्यातप = INSOLATIONउदाहरण : इन अंतिम परिस्थितियों को आसानी से सूर्यातप और विकिरण के प्रभाव से जोड़ा जा सकता है।
Usage : these last conditions can be readily traced to the effects of insolation and radiation near the ground.
Usage : these last conditions can be readily traced to the effects of insolation and radiation near the ground.
(noun) 0
सूर्यास्त = SUNSETउदाहरण : कंपनी पुराने सॉफ्टवेयर का सूर्यास्त कर रही है ताकि नए अपडेट आ सकें।
Usage : dusk is known as sunset.
Usage : dusk is known as sunset.
(Noun) +35
सूर्यास्त = SUNSETTINGUsage : the company is slowly sunsetting their old software to make way for new updates.
(Noun) +4
सूर्याभास = PARHELIONउदाहरण : सूर्याभास सूर्यास्त से ठीक पहले दिखाई दिया।
Usage : a parhelion is a meteor in form of a bright light, appearing on one side of the sun.
Usage : a parhelion is a meteor in form of a bright light, appearing on one side of the sun.
(noun) +2
सूर्यांशु = A RAY OF SUNउदाहरण : ...आपके पास एक सूर्यांशु है, और आप देख सकते हैं...
Usage : ... you have a ray of sunlight, and you can see...
Usage : ... you have a ray of sunlight, and you can see...
(Noun) +2