होना     sound icon
होना = HAVE
उदाहरण : क्या विंडो सबसे बड़े आकार का होना चाहिए
Usage : I have a red car.
(Verb) +255
होना = BE
उदाहरण : क्या विंडो सबसे बड़े आकार का होना चाहिए
Usage : dont worry be happy.
(Verb) +180
होना = TEND
Usage : she tends to be nervous before her lectures
(Verb) +108
होना = CONTAIN
Usage : Should the window contain the largest size?
(Verb) +105
होना = HAPPEN
Usage : The heavy rain caused chaos to happen on the city's streets.
(Verb) +94
होना = DATE
Usage : what is the date today?
(Verb) +54
होना = BECOME
Usage : I wish to become a translator.
(Verb) +34
होना = RESIDE
Usage : may parents reside in florida
(Verb) +29
होना = COME
Usage : she has come from indore.
(Verb) +29
होना = GO
Usage : After being hit on the head, his mind seemed to go, and he collapsed.
(Verb) +28
होना = OCCUR
Usage : it occurred to me that we should hire another secretary
(Verb) +25
Usage : metals contract as they become cool.she had contracted a most unsuitable marriage.bad habits of stealing contracted in his youth.do notis contracted to dont
(Verb) +23
होना = FALL
उदाहरण : समय समाप्ति को बड़ा मान होना चाहिए.
Usage : holi falls in the month of march.
(IntransitiveVerb) +23
होना = GET
Usage : are you getting my point?
(Verb) +19
होना = SINK
Usage : the ocean is a sink for carbon dioxide
(Verb) +18
होना = CONSIST
Usage : the payment consists in food
(Verb) +15
होना = MEAN
Usage : make mean to build.
(Verb) +15
Usage : Real disc burning will take place in 10 seconds.
(Verb) +13
होना = EXIST
Usage : Millions had to exist in lines for ten hours to catch their last glimpse.
(Verb) +12
होना = APPEAR
Usage : he suddenly appeared at the wedding
(Verb) +11
होना = TURN UP
Usage : they will turn upon one another, and question one another.
(Verb) +11
होना = BELONG
Usage : this book belongs to me
(Verb) +11
होना = ART
Usage : Should the window be of the largest size, art it?
(Verb) +10
होना = DO
Usage : he has to do work.
(Verb) +10
Usage : this money is my only income
(Verb) +10
होना = HAPPEN TO
Usage : Does the window have to happen to be the largest size?
(Verb) +9
Usage : The meeting will continue after lunch.
(Verb) +8
होना = TURN OUT
Usage : It turns out that he was right
(Verb) +8
होना = COME OUT AT
Usage : Should the window come out at the largest size?
(Verb) +7
होना = WREAK
Usage : he wreaked his anger on the office staff
(Verb) +7
होना = SHOULD
Usage : The children should respect their elders.
(Verb) +6
होना = BEAR
Usage : the juggler was managing show of a bear.
(Verb) +5
होना = RACK
Usage : Ive been racking my brains trying to remember her name.
(TransitiveVerb) +5
होना = ADMIT OF
Usage : In this book there occur passages which, like riddles, admit of manifold interpretations.
(Verb) +4
Usage : The company created a policy to transpire waste into harmless substances.
(Verb) +4
होना = WEAR
Usage : the tires showed uneven wear
(Verb) +4
होना = STATION
Usage : he started looking for a gas station
(Verb) +4
होना = BEHOOVE
Usage : It would behoove you to study for the upcoming exam.
(Verb) +3
Usage : secession of mala from our group became a school wide subject.
(Noun) +3
होना = STAND AT
Usage : He shall stand at the head of his people on the Day of Resurrection, and will bring them down to the Fire. What a wretched destination to be led to!
(Verb) +3
Usage : And the judgment must most surely come about.
(Verb) +3
होना = PAY
Usage : he said: 'it grieves me to let him go with you, for i fear lest the wolf should devour him when you are not paying attention to him'
(Verb) +3
होना = COME OFF
Usage : After he went to Surat he kept a rented house in Bombay also, because he had to come off and on to Bombay.
(Verb) +3
होना = MEET
Usage : the prime minister met his cabinet for the talks.
(Verb) +3
होना = CHANCE
Usage : vvs laxman got a chance to prove his batting skills in the triangular-seriescricket matches.
(Noun) +2
होना = BE ONTO
Usage : she always seems to be onto me, no matter what i do.
(Verb) +2
होना = RUN OFF
Usage : the listeners bolted when he discussed his strange ideas
(Verb) +2
होना = HOLD
Usage : he has a hold over them
(Verb) +2
Usage : I think I might be coming down with the flu.
(Verb) +1

Sentence usage for होना will be shown here. Refresh Usages

Information provided about होना ( Hona ):

होना (Hona) meaning in English (इंग्लिश मे मीनिंग) is HAVE (होना ka matlab english me HAVE hai). Get meaning and translation of Hona in English language with grammar, synonyms and antonyms by ShabdKhoj. Know the answer of question : what is meaning of Hona in English? होना (Hona) ka matalab Angrezi me kya hai ( होना का अंग्रेजी में मतलब, इंग्लिश में अर्थ जाने)

Tags: English meaning of होना , होना meaning in english, होना translation and definition in English.
English meaning of Hona , Hona meaning in english, Hona translation and definition in English language by ShabdKhoj (From HinKhoj Group). होना का मतलब (मीनिंग) अंग्रेजी (इंग्लिश) में जाने |


Meaning Summary

होना के इंग्लिश मीनिंग: have, be, tend, contain, happen, date, become, reside, come, go, occur, contract, fall, get, sink, consist, mean, take place, exist, appear, turn up, belong, art, do, constitute, happen to, continue, turn out, come out at, wreak, should, bear, rack, admit of, transpire, wear, station, behoove, secession, stand at, come about, pay, come off, meet, chance, be onto, run off, hold, come down with

Synonym/Similar Words: बाड़ा, गुजर जाना, प्रकट करना, संकटापन्न अवस्था, द्रवित करना, अधिन होना, घटित होना, विराम, पास से निकल जाना, चल पड्ॅअना, बनना, शान्ति, खाली, पौधा, घुमना फिरना, संस्था भवन, थोडे समय के लिये जाना, फ़ासला, आराम, क्रमबद्ध होना, प्रवाह, परिवर्तित करना, नाम, मनोनीत करना, सहारा देना