ख़राब     sound icon
उदाहरण : लापरवाही से प्रतिष्ठा ख़राब होती है।
Usage : - get out, you disgusting sow. - kongstrup has to pay his due. kongstrup!
(Verb) +256
ख़राब = BAD
उदाहरण : वह पूरे दिन ख़राब महसूस कर रहा था।
Usage : take the bad with the good
(Adjective) +114
ख़राब = AWFUL
Usage : and the mountains will move away with an awful movement.
(Adjective) +87
Usage : the piece was found to be defective.
(Adjective) +78
ख़राब = FAULTY
Usage : he submitted a faulty report.
(Adjective) +58
ख़राब = DISMAL
Usage : Captain Virat Kohli posted an emotional message on social media after India's dismal defeat in the ongoing test series against England.
(Adjective) +46
ख़राब = DOWN
Usage : you have four downs to gain ten yards
(Adjective) +44
ख़राब = GHASTLY
Usage : I will explain the ghastly details of my aging process.
(Adjective) +36
ख़राब = HORRIBLE
Usage : He said, 'As for the evildoer, him we shall chastise, then he shall be returned to his Lord and He shall chastise him with a horrible chastisement.
(Adjective) +35
ख़राब = HELL
Usage : The war turned their lives into hell.
(Noun) +34
ख़राब = TERRIBLE
Usage : he saw a terrible accident.
(Adjective) +32
ख़राब = OUT OF ORDER
Usage : The elevator is out of order today.
(Noun) +27
ख़राब = CRUEL
Usage : hitler was a cruel man
(Adjective) +26
ख़राब = ROTTEN
Usage : we should avoid eating rotten food.
(Adjective) +24
ख़राब = AWKWARD
Usage : The awkward glass shattered with a slight jolt.
(Adjective) +22
ख़राब = SORRY
Usage : i am sorry that i could not pick you up.
(Adjective) +15
ख़राब = DEAD
Usage : The plant is dead because we forgot to water it.
(Noun) +14
ख़राब = ABNORMAL
Usage : The weather conditions are abnormal.
(Adjective) +12
ख़राब = DIRTY
Usage : dont soil your clothes when you play outside!
(Verb) +12
ख़राब = HAYWIRE
Usage : The borrower would have his commitments to its creditors, suppliers etc. and if these are not met his projections can go haywire.
(Noun) +12
ख़राब = DREADFUL
Usage : the sound of the bomb was extremely dreadfulthe thought of accident itself was dreadful
(Adjective) +11
ख़राब = BELOW
Usage : Analyzing judges is a below and sensitive issue, a concern for legal experts.
(Adverb) +11
ख़राब = LEMON
उदाहरण : वह एक खराब साड़ी पहने हुए थी|
Usage : A lemon is a very sour yellow fruit.
(Noun) +11
ख़राब = DRY
Usage : Frequent contact can cause the skin to dry or crack.
(Noun) +11
ख़राब = NASTY
Usage : The weather turned nasty, and we had to cancel the picnic.
(Adjective) +10
Usage : i hate her abominable behaviour.
(Adjective) +9
ख़राब = EVIL
Usage : the evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones
(Noun) +9
ख़राब = POISON
Usage : The chemicals can poison the water supply.
(Verb) +9
ख़राब = ACCURSED
Usage : the accursed neighbours of ours are sometimes kind to my mother.
(Verb) +8
ख़राब = CORKED
Usage : The wine was undrinkable as it was corked.
(Verb) +8
ख़राब = BUST
Usage : they went on a bust that lasted three days
(Noun) +7
ख़राब = WRETCHED
Usage : he felt wretched the whole day.
(Adjective) +7
Usage : usually snakes are poisonous.
(Adjective) +7
ख़राब = POOR
Usage : this soil is poor in nutrients.
(Noun) +6
ख़राब = DIFFALAT
उदाहरण : उसकी ख़राब पकाने की वजह से रात का खाना बर्बाद हो गया।
Usage : The machine broke down; it's completely diffalat now.
(Verb) +5
ख़राब = GRIM
उदाहरण : असम में बाढ़ की स्थिति अभी भी ख़राब बनी हुई है।
Usage : The future seems to be grim.
(Adjective) +5
ख़राब = DOWDY
Usage : he lay face downthe thief was hidden in the down staircasethe shades were down
(Adjective) +5
ख़राब = HARD
Usage : The wooden bench is hard to sit on.
(Adjective) +5
ख़राब = SHOCKING
Usage : She went to see the shocking sight after the disastrous flood.
(Verb) +5
ख़राब = ILL
Usage : she fell ill suddenly.
(Noun) +4
ख़राब = WRONG
Usage : he feels that you are in the wrong
(Verb) +4
ख़राब = ON THE BLINK
Usage : The TV has been on the blink all week.
(Noun) +3
ख़राब = WEAK
Usage : The bridge is too weak to support heavy cars.
(Adjective) +3
ख़राब = DICKY
Usage : Dicky Dipshit, I think you used to call me at school.
(Noun) +2
Usage : if it 's dileep, tell him the code and put me out of action.
(Noun) +2
ख़राब = STINKER
Usage : rama is a real stinker.
(Noun) +2
ख़राब = BADE
Usage : the weather turned bade, making it difficult to go outside.
(Adjective) +1
ख़राब = NAUGHTY
Usage : he is a naughty boy.
(Adjective) +1
ख़राब = SPOIL
Usage : to the victor belong the spoils of the enemy
(Verb) +1

Definition of ख़राब

  • वि० [ अ०] [भाव० खराबी] १. (वस्तु) किसी प्रकार का विकार होने के कारण जिसका कुछ अंश गल या सड़ गया हो। जैसे–ये फल खराब हो गये हैं। २. (बात या व्यवहार) जो अनुचित अथवा अशिष्ट हो। ३. (व्यक्ति) जिसका चाल-चलन अच्छा न हो। पतित। मर्यादाभ्रष्ट। मुहावरा–(किसी को) खराब करना=किसी का कौमार्य खंडित करना। ४. दुर्दशा-ग्रस्त। जैसे– मुकदमा लड़कर वे खराब हो गये। ५. जो मांगलिक अथवा शुभ न हो। बुरा। जैसे– खराब दिन

  • [Source: Pustak.org]

ख़राब in Word of the Day:

Watch video on meaning of ख़राब and inclusion of ख़राब in Daily word of day.

Sentence usage for ख़राब will be shown here. Refresh Usages

Information provided about ख़राब ( Khharab ):

ख़राब (Khharab) meaning in English (इंग्लिश मे मीनिंग) is DISGUSTING (ख़राब ka matlab english me DISGUSTING hai). Get meaning and translation of Khharab in English language with grammar, synonyms and antonyms by ShabdKhoj. Know the answer of question : what is meaning of Khharab in English? ख़राब (Khharab) ka matalab Angrezi me kya hai ( ख़राब का अंग्रेजी में मतलब, इंग्लिश में अर्थ जाने)

Tags: English meaning of ख़राब , ख़राब meaning in english, ख़राब translation and definition in English.
English meaning of Khharab , Khharab meaning in english, Khharab translation and definition in English language by ShabdKhoj (From HinKhoj Group). ख़राब का मतलब (मीनिंग) अंग्रेजी (इंग्लिश) में जाने |


Meaning Summary

ख़राब के इंग्लिश मीनिंग: disgusting, bad, awful, defective, faulty, dismal, down, ghastly, horrible, hell, terrible, out of order, cruel, rotten, awkward, sorry, dead, abnormal, dirty, haywire, dreadful, below, lemon, dry, nasty, abominable, evil, poison, accursed, corked, bust, wretched, poisonous, poor, diffalat, grim, dowdy, hard, shocking, ill, wrong, on the blink, weak, dicky, out of action, stinker, bade, naughty, spoil

Synonym/Similar Words: खराब करना, फ़ोटो लेना, अंकुरित होना, सख्त, सनसनीखेज, फाड़ना, फोड़ना, तूफानी, क़ब्र का, चढाई करना, तोड़ डालना, चढाई, पागल, नीचे की ओर, धीरे से, हर्निया, ढा देना, अनर्थकारी, बहुत सारा, आँसू, अप्रिय आदमी, उत्साहपूर्ण, शुरुआत, पी डालना, न वसूला जा सकने वाला, अस्त व्यस्त, हास्यास्पद, अमान्य कर देना, कूट कूट कर भर देना, हत्या करना, उदास, सुहावना, उदासीन, सफलता प्राप्त करना, अचानक दिखाई पड़ना, ठीक करना, रोगन करना

Antonym/Opposite Words: जोड़ना, जिम्मेदारी सौंपना, वेदाचार्य, जगा हुआ, नशीली दवाई, मरम्मत, केन्द्रित करना, ऊपर का, नपुंसक बनाना, पुनः स्थापित करना, मरम्मत करना, पैबन्ड लगाना, निर्धारित करना, इलाज करना, निर्धारित करना, निर्धरित करना, वापस लौटाना, दंड देना, मोह लेना, मरम्मत करनेवाला, बहाल करना, जमा कर रखना, पद निऋधारित कर देना, रफ़ू, फिर से प्राप्त करना, टकटकी बाँधकर देखना, पक्का करना, पद निश्चित कर देना